Lindsay's Recipes

Country Cedar Salmon

1 untreated cedar plank
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/4 tsp cayanne pepper
4 salmon fillets (about 1" thick)

Place cedar plank in sink and submerge in water for at least 1 hour to overnight. Heat barbeque to high, place cedar plank on one side of grill. Turn that side of the grill down to medium.

Stir soy with maple syrup and cayanne. When plank begins to smoke place salmon, skin side down, on plank. Evenly spread maple mixture over salmon. Barbeque with lid closed until cooked, 25 - 30 minutes. Check plank often during cooking. If plank catches fire, spray with water. You may need to reduce heat under plank to medium-low. Remove salmon from plank to dinner plates or a platter.

Turn off barbeque. It's easier to remove plank from barbeque once it's cool.

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